
本数据保护声明(“声明”)列出了Sekisui Singapore Pte. 有限公司. (“we”, “us”, 或“十大赌博娱乐平台的”)可以收集, 使用, disclose or otherwise process personal data of our customers in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (“PDPA”). 本通知适用于十大赌博娱乐平台拥有或控制的个人资料, 包括由十大赌博娱乐平台委托收集的机构所拥有的个人资料, 使用, 为十大赌博娱乐平台的目的披露或处理个人资料.


  1. 如本公告所使用:

    “customer” means an individual who (a) has contacted us through any means to find out more about any goods or services we provide, 或者(b)可以, 或者有, entered into a contract with us for the supply of any goods or services by us; and

    (a) from that data; or (b) from that data and other information to which we have or are likely to have access.
  2. 取决于你和十大赌博娱乐平台互动的性质, some examples of personal data which we may collect from you include your name and identification information such as your NRIC number, 联系信息,如您的地址, 电子邮件地址或电话号码, 国籍, 性别, 出生日期, 婚姻状况, 照片及其他视听资料, 就业信息和信用卡号等财务信息, 借记卡号码或银行账户信息.
  3. Other terms 使用d in this Notice shall have the meanings given to them in the PDPA (where the context so permits).


  1. We generally do not collect your personal data unless (a) it is provided to us voluntarily by you directly or via a third party who has been duly authorized by you to disclose your personal data to us (your “authorized representative”) after (i) you (or your authorized representative) have been notified of the purposes for which the data is collected, and (ii) you (or your authorized representative) have provided written consent to the 集合 and usage of your personal data for those purposes, or (b) 集合 and 使用 of personal data without consent is permitted or required by the PDPA or other laws including, 但不限于, 十大赌博娱乐平台或其他法律实体的任何合法权益(例如.g. 哪些地方需要进行评估, investigations and procedures; necessary for the 集合 of debts or the payment of debts; necessary to obtain legal advice; necessary for employment etc.)或任何业务改进例外. We shall seek your consent before collecting any additional personal data and before using your personal data for a purpose which has not been notified to you (except where permitted or authorized by law).
  2. 十大赌博娱乐平台可能会收集和使用您的个人资料作以下任何或全部用途:

    • (a) performing obligations in the course of or in connection with our provision of the goods and/or services requested by you;
    • (b)核实您的身份;
    • (c)回应, 处理, 处理查询, 请求, 应用程序, 投诉, 以及你的反馈;
    • (d)管理您与十大赌博娱乐平台的关系;
    • (e)处理付款或信贷交易;
    • (f) sending your marketing information about our goods or services including notifying you of our marketing events, 措施及推广, 幸运的了, 会籍及奖励计划及其他推广活动;
    • (g)遵守任何适用法律, 规定, 业务守则, 的指导方针, 或规则, 或协助任何政府和/或监管机构进行的执法和调查;
    • (h)您提供信息的任何其他目的;
    • (i)传送给任何无关联的第三方,包括十大赌博娱乐平台的第三方服务提供商和代理, 以及相关的政府和/或监管机构, 无论是在新加坡还是在国外, for the aforementioned purposes; and
    • (j)与上述有关或与上述有关的任何其他附带业务目的.
  3. 十大赌博娱乐平台可能会在以下情况披露您的个人资料:

    • (a) where such 信息披露 is required for performing obligations in the course of or in connection with our provision of the goods or services requested by you; or
    • (b)第三方服务提供商, agents and other organizations we have engaged to perform any of the functions listed in cla使用 5 above for us.
  4. The purposes listed in the above cla使用s may continue to apply even in situations where your relationship with us (for example, 根据合同)被终止或以任何方式改变, 在其后的合理期间内(包括, 在适用情况下, (一段时间,使十大赌博娱乐平台能够执行与您签订的任何合同项下的权利).


  1. 你对收集提供的同意, 使用 and 信息披露 of your personal data will remain valid until such time it is being withdrawn by you in writing. You may withdraw consent and request us to stop using and/or disclosing your personal data for any or all of the purposes listed above by submitting your request in writing or via email to our Data Protection Officer at the contact details provided below.
  2. 在收到您撤回同意的书面请求后, we may require reasonable time (depending on the complexity of the request and its impact on our relationship with you) for your request to be processed and for us to notify you of the consequences of us acceding to the same, 包括可能影响您对十大赌博娱乐平台的权利和责任的任何法律后果. 一般情况下,十大赌博娱乐平台将在收到您的请求后十(10)个工作日内处理您的请求.
  3. 同时十大赌博娱乐平台尊重你撤回同意的决定, 请注意,这取决于您的要求的性质和范围, 十大赌博娱乐平台可能无法继续向您提供十大赌博娱乐平台的商品或服务,但十大赌博娱乐平台将, 在这种情况下, 在完成处理您的请求之前通知您. 你应该决定取消你的撤回同意吗, 请以上述第8条所述方式书面通知我方.
  4. 请注意,撤回同意并不影响十大赌博娱乐平台继续收集的权利, 在收集个人资料时使用及披露个人资料, 未经同意的使用和披露是适用法律允许或要求的.


  1. If you wish to make (a) an access request for access to a copy of the personal data which we hold about you or information about the ways in which we 使用 or disclose your personal data, 或(b)更正要求,以更正或更新十大赌博娱乐平台所持有的有关您的任何个人资料, you may submit your request in writing or via email to our Data Protection Officer at the contact details provided below.
  2. 请注意,查阅要求可能会收取合理的费用. 如果是这样,十大赌博娱乐平台将在处理您的请求之前通知您费用.
  3. 十大赌博娱乐平台将在合理的情况下尽快回复您的请求. 十大赌博娱乐平台是否不能在收到您的请求后三十(30)天内回复您的请求, we will inform you in writing within thirty (30) days of the time by which we will be able to respond to your request. 如果十大赌博娱乐平台无法向您提供您所要求的任何个人资料或更正, we shall generally inform you of the reasons why we are unable to do so (except where we are not required to do so under the PDPA).


  1. 保障你的个人资料不受未经授权的查阅, 集合, 使用, 信息披露, 复制, 修改, 处置或类似风险, 十大赌博娱乐平台已经采取了适当的行政措施, 物理和技术措施,如最新的防病毒保护, 加密和使用隐私过滤器来保护十大赌博娱乐平台存储和传输的所有个人数据, and disclosing personal data both internally and to our authorized third party service providers and agents only on a need-to-know basis.
  2. 你应该意识到, 然而, 没有任何通过互联网传输的方法或电子存储的方法是完全安全的. 虽然安全无法保证, we strive to protect the security of your information and are constantly reviewing and enhancing our information security measures.


  1. 十大赌博娱乐平台一般依赖您(或您的授权代表)提供的个人资料。. 以确保您的个人资料是最新的, 完整准确, please update us if there are changes to your personal data by informing our Data Protection Officer in writing or via email at the contact details provided below.


  1. We may retain your personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected, 或根据适用法律的要求或允许.
  2. 十大赌博娱乐平台将不再保留您的个人资料, 或者删除可以将数据与您关联的方法, as soon as it is reasonable to assume that such retention no longer serves the purpose for which the personal data was collected, 并且不再需要用于法律或商业目的.


  1. 十大赌博娱乐平台一般不会将您的个人资料转移至新加坡以外的国家. 然而, 如果十大赌博娱乐平台这样做, we will take steps to ensure that your personal data continues to receive a standard of protection that is at least comparable to that provided under the PDPA.


  1. You may contact our Data Protection Officer if you have any enquiries or feedback on our personal data protection policies and procedures, 或者如果你有什么要求的话, 以下列方式:

    [Mr. James Tan,电子邮件: 詹姆斯.tan@sekisui.com].


  1. 本通知与任何其他通知同时适用, 合同条款和同意条款适用于有关的收集, 十大赌博娱乐平台使用和披露您的个人资料.
  2. 本公司可不时修订本公告,而无须事先通知. You may determine if any such revision has taken place by referring to the date on which this Notice was last updated. 您继续使用十大赌博娱乐平台的服务即表示您承认并接受这些变更.

